مش عارفة ليه مؤخراً بقيت بلاقي صعوبة في التعامل مع الناس، الموضوع بقى مُرهِق، بقيت بستغل أي فرصة عشان أكون لوحدي، وأي حجة تبعدني عن أي تجمع، حتى بقيت بحس إن الناس بتحس بده في تعاملي معاهم، حاسه كمان ادإن الكيرڤ بتاعي بينزل والكومفورت زون بتاعتي بتضيق عليا.
The Extreme
Monday, September 7, 2015
Monday, April 20, 2015
Some exhausting days...
I pass some days that I became very emotional. At these days I talk less & I cry more. One small word can make me extremely happy & one other word can make me brust into tears. In these days I can notice very small things, I can see how people look at each other with love & how they truly hug each other. I feel I can see what behind the smiles & what's written inside the hearts.
This time is very stressful for me & for my partner. I can pass extremely opposite feelings in only 2 hours. This is really exhausting.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
That Young Bird
That young bird which is still learning how to fly and don't want anyone to help her. She wants to try and feel that she can :). Sometimes she succeeds and many other times she fails. But the common thing at each trial that she feels reassured and safe. She is sure that when she succeeds he will be happy & proud of her, and if she failed, he is in her back, catching her if she falls down, supporting and loving her and encouraging her to try again and again. He never gets tired of saving her :)
Loving you my lovely bird <3
Loving you my lovely bird <3
التعب الحلو :)
مش كل التعب وحش، فيه تعب بعده بتحس بسعادة ورضا، زي مثلا التعب اللي بعد الرياضة، والتعب اللي بعد مجهود عملته عشان تفرح حد، أو تخطط لحاجة وتنجح، أو تساعد حد في حاجة، أو تعب في شغلانة وتنجح وتشوف نتيجتها، أو حتى ماتنجحش بس تفتحلك باب جديد ماكنتش هتعرفه لو ماكنتش مشيت في السكة دي.
بحس إن في الحياة كده كده هنتعب، مفيش راحة، أهم حاجة نختار الحاجة اللي هنتعب فيها ونتوكل على الله ونبقى واثقين إن مهما كانت النتيجة فهي خير ولو ماكانتش حصلت كان هيحصل بدالها حاجة أكبر من طاقتنا، وأهم حاجة نستمتع بكل لحظة تعب.
بحس إن في الحياة كده كده هنتعب، مفيش راحة، أهم حاجة نختار الحاجة اللي هنتعب فيها ونتوكل على الله ونبقى واثقين إن مهما كانت النتيجة فهي خير ولو ماكانتش حصلت كان هيحصل بدالها حاجة أكبر من طاقتنا، وأهم حاجة نستمتع بكل لحظة تعب.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Simple Idea For Anniversary Gift
It was November 2014. Our second anniversary was too close & I wanted to have a new simple idea for it. I didn't want to just go to store and buy a gift. I wanted to make it a special memory. But at the same time I didn't have much money.
I thought about an idea, to have a box and put some kinds of colored paper clips and ornaments. I also added some wrapped messages of memories of that amazing day. And for sure the anniversary card. At that time, we were working on finishing our home. So, I decided the card to me about that event.
I made another card and pasted it in the inside cover of the box. It was made to be opened from the middle to find a painting roll and a portrait.
I also added a "Home Sweet Home" wall art canvas to put it at our home insha'Allah ^_^ <3
Here are some photos of it :)
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
My Handmade Cards
I Love Arts & Crafts & appreciate Handmade stuff. One of the most wonderful times I live, when I create cards for my loved ones, my fiance, family & friends. I also love glass painting, crochet, and any thing made by hands. I feel how special they are and they mean a lot for me. :)
I am not very skillful at photographing xD . I tried to take some photos to the cards I've made to keep nice memories :)
This card I made for my fiance "Mahmoud" in Valentine's day 2014 ^_^
And here is from inside :)
Preparation snapshot :D
I made this one for our 1st anniversary ^_^ November 2013. It's a very special day for me and has a lot of memories. I can remember each single word we said :')
This card is very special to my heart. I made it at the 1st anniversary of our Engagement Party <3 ^_^
This card was made for my work colleague at her birthday. I tried to make a card that matches her character :)
This Card was made for my sister's friend who will travel to another country :)
This Birthday Card made for the special beautiful girl "Nour" ^_^. She is my colleague & My lovely friend there :)
Because she is "Nour", I tried to make it a special card kiki emoticon Welcome baby girl smile emoticon
Thanks for my friend Dina who encouraged me to do this & congratulations for your friend :))
Welcome cutie to the world ^_^
Zizo is traveling :( I, Mike & Sully really gonna miss him <3
I made this card for my cousin's friend who had a newborn :)
The Butterfly Card for my Butterfly friend :) <3
Cards are very special gift and they keep amazing memories <3
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Something hidden inside..
What if our feelings shaped in objects?
What if we have a heart above our heads when we feel love?
What if a sign appears above our heads says that we have great pain in our hearts?
Should we expect people to treat us depending on our thermometer level? Should we expect them to know what is hidden in our hearts?
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